Monday, December 7, 2009

Big Fun Motorcycle Trials# Desperately NEED Help With Financing Motorcycle Question.?

Desperately NEED help with financing motorcycle question.? - big fun motorcycle trials#

Hello everyone,

Firstly, I have no doubt that it ignored or set up, so if that is their only answer, shut the **** up.

Ok, so when I was 18 years, having absolutely no understanding of finances to buy, my best friend and I decided to develop two brand new bikes Yamaha R6! Funny, eh? Well, now 21, and three years in the way it the biggest mistake that I in my life.

First, the bike was purchased through a loan credit card ... I did not know until the credit card came to my house. The APR for this card ... 29.65%. These two never told me when I sat in the administration office with a smile from ear to ear thinking about all the joy that would make this purchase.

So, after three years, GE Money Bank I paid $ 11,255.65.

The bike was new 9k.

It remains to 9k.

I can not go with this, twice I saved 2k + increase in big bite out of debt slowly back again. It is impossible for me to pay my way out.
\\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ U0026lt;are br> What are my options, the credit damage that is not a big problem for me, but I would not go so far before the bankruptcy. Please help me before I decided to commit insurance fraud and to bury the motorcycle in the desert, and the flight report. (joke)


Buster Brown said...

Logically, you paid for the bike, plus a reasonable return on the borrowed money. Should be the only reason the bike on a number of years ago, Congress approved the company balance sheet credit-card exemption from the usury laws of the State. if not for the exemption, never been in a position to collect such interest.

These people are thieves, under color of law. Take them. Failure to make payment deadlines, and let's try to come after you. When you call, do not say to call us and keep a log of all calls thereafter.

When you send a letter of validation to answer an e-mail: "The argument was rejected. All the defense and disadvantages are reserved. No, I do not give because of the debt. Try to avoid taking with them.

The best thing we can hope is that the original creditor, the debt and depreciation related to a desired debt-collection agency. Then contact your magazine can be the basis of a counterclaim for unfair debt collection. You can not help themselves.

AS said...

Yes, there is a problem. You can try to re-financing with the bank with a credit card should be very good after they paid the same. Sorry to say, but this information is displayed for all documents signed. Check if your parents are willing to help you make a balloon payment of the bicycle, and then you can pay.

guardrai... said...

Make another section --
Business & Finance

ChemE said...

I agree with Jack. Speak with GE. If you paid on time for 3 years, should be able to work a deal with you.
If payment is not respectable, at least substantially reduces the interest rate.

Or you could try to work with your bank for a loan for the amount of payment on the bike, but being able to get a lower rate through them.

Continue to try to pay more than the minimum payment. If possible, minimize all other costs and to focus on this equilibrium.

Try to keep your credit card, these are for your financial future. It takes time to disappear from your teeth loan. A good credit you get better prices ...

My husband and I have funded over the last year 2 R6. And we are working for both the end of next summer to pay. (Our interest rate is a little easier to handle)

Good luck.

Larry G said...

If bankruptcy is not on the table after he has spoken with them and paid less an option, go get a loan and pay it .. Not much more you can do .. I dispise === Company's credit that it legal loan sharks, the ruin not break your arm if you pay not only your life ....

Larry G said...

If bankruptcy is not on the table after he has spoken with them and paid less an option, go get a loan and pay it .. Not much more you can do .. I dispise === Company's credit that it legal loan sharks, the ruin not break your arm if you pay not only your life ....

Larry G said...

If bankruptcy is not on the table after he has spoken with them and paid less an option, go get a loan and pay it .. Not much more you can do .. I dispise === Company's credit that it legal loan sharks, the ruin not break your arm if you pay not only your life ....

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