Sunday, January 10, 2010

Signs Of Endometriosis What Are The Biggest Signs Of Endometriosis?

What are the biggest signs of endometriosis? - signs of endometriosis

A nurse told me that my symptoms, I know what you think. I have severe pelvic pain during intercourse, urination and defecation and my periods are irregular. But I did not have much money to go see an OB / GYN, is a serious disease? It gets worse, I try to find a way to a doctor?


pretzypi... said...

Endometriosis is a gynecological disease in which deposits of cells of the endometrium (uterine lining) occur in places outside the uterus. It is a very common disease that 20-25% of women of childbearing age. Endometriosis is usually found on or in the ovaries and peritoneum (lining of the abdominal cavity), especially in the uterus and sacral ligaments behind the uterus. It can occur in the bladder or intestine, especially in the rectum. Endometriosis can cause inflammation and scarring that can lead to adhesions between organs and pain and infertility.

Endometriosis can cause a variety of symptoms such as pain and infertility. Some women with endometriosis experience no symptoms. The most common symptom of endometriosis is less than the abdominal or pelvic pain. This can be lived with periods or other times of the cycle. Pain can during sex, when urinating or opening the bowels are experienced. Infertility, irregular periods and heavy bleeding in the intestine or may also be associated withEndometriosis.

Unfortunately, many women suffer the symptoms of endometriosis for many years before diagnosed. By endometriosis may be in the pelvic organs and peritoneum, where they diagnosed in red, black or white, with or without scarring or "chocolate" ovarian cysts. In most cases, the endometriosis by laparoscopic surgery (keyhole) diagnosed. It is sometimes discovered by accident when a woman undergoes surgery for another reason, such as appendectomy, for example.

Endometriosis can be treated with medication or surgery (or a combination). The drugs are mainly hormones in the menstrual cycle and the elimination of the inhibition of growth of deposits of endometriosis. These hormones are a combination of oral contraceptives, progesterone, GnRH analogues and danazol. You have to offer themselves as relief from emotional pain during the treatment, but there is a high rate of recurrence of symptoms when the medication is stopped. Medical treatment does not improve fertility.

Surgery of the endometriumSite inspection is usually performed by laparoscopy (keyhole surgery). The choices for mild cases of endometriosis include laser or diathermy (burning) to destroy the lesions or complete removal of the lesions. If endometriosis is expanded, has recommended the complete removal of the lesions, the lesions are too large, or are treated by incineration. If all lesions of endometriosis are completely removed, so that 70-90% success rate for a partial or complete relief of pain symptoms presented in the pelvis.

I suggest you try to see to see an OB / GYN, to see what she could remember the cause of the pain. As already mentioned, the only way to know with certainty whether laparoscopy is to reach a final diagnosis, whether you have endometriosis.

Good luck:)

emotiona... said...

Your sister is right. These are signs. Swelling also. My friend has the disease, and was sure that earlier in life, because I am in terrible pain. This is not a very serious disease but can affect the quality of life. Try connecting a free health insurance to go to family planning. He performs a gynecological examination.

For the pelvic exam, he must drink plenty of water. Then an ultrasound and the diagnosis from there.

Good luck.

coridroz said...

He got good advice here. Here is a site for you is to give you a look on some support.

It is very important that you consult a doctor if you think something is wrong. If endometriosis is that the problems do not disappear without treatment and could aggravate.

I had endometriosis in the lining of the bladder wall and had to be removed by surgical excision. I have no more pain than when I use the restroom.

Moderator endocenterNJ

aimiam2 said...

You should consult your doctor! I suffered for almost 6 months and thought it was related period. Finally, it was so bad that I went to the emergency. at my local hospital. It took an ultrasound and found a cyst in left ovary, which was 5 cm in diameter, and other signs of endometriosis, for example, damage to my ovaries and fallopian tubes. I have now removed because of the operation in a week to cysts and lesions, and to tell me that the pain subside and disappear.
What is the payment I am not sure which country you are, but I would like to discuss with your doctor if he / she may recommend a gynecologist rather that you see on payment. I live in Australia where we have a public health system. If you have a similar system in which they must live, you can go into the list, there is a certain time.
I hope this information will help in any way!

I have endo said...

The symptoms you are experiencing symptoms that women with endometriosis, I would say the biggest, the most common pelvic pain. I would be a serious Endo BC / there is no cure, and above all the symptoms that may occur, which may differ significantly from a woman's ability to chaos in many areas of the devastating life crippling pain to have to miss work, miss normal daily activities, pain during intercourse, which can affect your relationship (s), and infertility problems to understand the operation a few years ago and had been the frustration that comes of having a disease that is misunderstood by highlt Community Medicine, with exception of the limited number of experts of endometriosis. Laporascopy diagnosed with endo, but only if it is suspected, Dr. many. 'S can try to diagnose with suspected Endo "and may try to treat the symptoms. Not sure says a laparoscopy to diagnose endo, it would not be in question for now, I would say that it is better that I seeI can not be a prerequisite to get the cost if I have to look at the Planned Parenthood continues to pills to treat British Columbia. BC pills do not work for all women with endometriosis and for some work only temorarily. BC pills if you make sure that will take you to a "phase". They are tired of dealing with a drug called Lupron. But it is important to check with an OB-GYN and get the ball rolling. Endo is a progressive disease, but it is impossible to determine how it affects you personally. Could be more, but you never know until it is tested to determine if there is something else or return it if it is indeed Endo. Good luck.

lynz.198... said...

The nurse is right ... But the only way to be 100% sure endometriosis is a laparoscopy (sp do?) to. I have the same problems, including:

Nausea in my time ... not vomit, and I do not know, but my stomach is icky



Major cramps usually at the end of the time of ovulation. You strange things ... Collapse sometimes a few days before my time and only came back two or three good hour of my time ... or is there still for about half of my time


Sometimes it feels like someone took a blunt knife and my vagina is to try to reduce all my insides - it really hurts the operating systems and can last from 5 minutes to several hours. It's a sharp pain that goes up to the end

-diarehha during my time

Painful ... normally for the first time I went ... But if my BF is low enough, I have the strong pressure that I roll

-hot/cold flashes ... People NewsAlly think I'm going through menopause

-... extreme tiredness and fatigue, but I can not sleep because of menstrual problems

Endometriosis is when the tissue where it should not grow. This can be anywhere in the body, but rather for women's uterus is .... essentially a part of the uterine lining grows outside the uterus begins, so that when it's time to get your period, it is extremely painful because they get rid of fabric, but it has no where to go.

It is very likely to be put on the pill to alleviate pain and usually (as said) to reduce the endo that is less painful. So far, for me, I had no luck (I'm in my 4-prescription pills ... no cramps helped me, and I always have terrible side effects, had to) I have to change. Once you have a pill that your body, your gynecologist will probably 3 months at a time ... aka Go for 3 consecutive months befor taking the pilland after a period.

Your gynecologist probably do an ultrasound to try to recognize two endo and a cyst. However, ultrasound is not yet conclusive, because they can occur anywhere, and ultrasound is not able to meet him.

If all else fails, would your gynecologist one laparoscopy, in which to do a cut just below the navel, and look down.

I can understand your insurance does not cover the doctor? I come from Canada, so it does not make the cost by the number of doctor visits related concerns (I'm sure it would in my view, debt from today when I Will!) Such.

I hope this helps a little .... I'll keep you posted, but it would be hard to do, as I am on my last prescription for birth control (for now ... I went through 4 in the last 5 months or more). What should be done with me to try these new pills birth date (not really happy - I'm always pain in the legs .... ... aka blood clot had this problem with a previous pill) and 6Months in arrears, and I hope * to start my 3 monthly cycles. If all else fails, my gynecologist wants to do a laparoscopy.

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